Episode 40: The Curious Case of Women’s Strategic Thinking

The 90th Percentile: An Unconventional Leadership Podcast

Published: July 6, 2021


We found that while women generally outperform their male counterparts on most leadership competencies, they are not perceived by their managers, peers, and subordinates as being as adept at ​strategic thinking​ as their male counterparts. This gap between women and men in perceived strategic thinking skills begins early, but by age 50, the difference vanishes. In this episode, we are unraveling the research around this curious case.

Register for the Webinar–The Confidence Gap: Overcome Doubts with Data That Builds You Up.

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Zenger Folkman hosts an exclusive live webinar every month, where you can meet Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman, and join in a conversation about their latest research in leadership development. Find out more information and register here.

Additional Resources

The Extremely Curious Case of Women’s Strategic Thinking– Article by Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman

Study of How Men and Women are Treated Differently at Work– Harvard Business Review

Research: Women are Better Leaders During a Crisis- HBR article by Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman

Learn about Zenger Folkman’s Microlearning Session in Strategic Thinking