Episode 26: 5 Ways to Maximize Brief Interactions

The 90th Percentile: An Unconventional Leadership Podcast

Published: March 11, 2021

90th Percentile Ep 26 Brief InteractionsDetails

Life for a manager inside an organization has an unrelenting pace, with very few occasions where there is uninterrupted time. As a result, relationship building and development opportunities may fall by the wayside or become superficial due to the enormity of managerial time constraints. In today’s pandemic world, there is a somewhat different issue.  While there are group calls on Zoom or Teams, most interactions rely on the manager’s willingness and discipline of connecting individually with team members.  Today, we are discussing five ways leaders can maximize these in-person and online work interactions.

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Zenger Folkman hosts an exclusive live webinar every month, where you can meet Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman, and join in a conversation about their latest research in leadership development. Find out more information and register here.

Additional Resources:

How to Maximize Virtual Interactions
Music: Pleasant Pictures