Published: February 28, 2023
Organizations want bold leaders who willingly take risks, but of course they are counting on them not to fail. Taking big risks can lead to great rewards, so it pays to develop the skills that strengthen the success and stability of the risks you take.
Join leadership experts Joe Folkman and BreAnne Okoren for a webinar where you will:
1. Identify the strength-building behaviors that build the confidence and skills to improve risk-taking. 2. Understand how leaders can encourage and support risks in their teams. 3. Discover why women who take risks really stand out in the workplace. 4. Take an assessment to understand your willingness to assume risk.
Opportunities are open for those willing to take risks.
Webinars — December, 2024
Webinars — November, 2024
Webinars — October, 2024
Webinars — September, 2024