The Extraordinary Coach eBook

The Extraordinary Coach eBook

Research shows that many coaches believe they are better than they are. This eBook focuses on practical tips and extensive research to point leaders in the right direction.

Organizations need to become more inspiring and more human to meet the needs of the people who populate them today. Coaching is one of the best ways to achieve this, creating greater interaction between leaders and direct reports, and thereby aligning goals and progress.

Many leaders are intimidated by coaching, especially younger leaders, but they don’t have to be. Every leader can be an extraordinary coach with the right tools and mindset.

Chapter 1: Are You A Good Coach?
Chapter 2: A Coaching Mindset
Chapter 3: The Framework for Coaching
Chapter 4: Feedback and Coaching

Discover a proven framework for coaching that allows the coach to own the process and the coachees to own the content.

Becoming a great coach begins with aspiring to be a good one.

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We Bring Science to the Art of Coaching
Zenger Folkman’s approach to establishing effective coaching practices is grounded in thirty years of research and focuses on building strengths. The Extraordinary Coach development experience is designed to increase the quality and consistency of coaching conversations in organizations.

Learn about our Extraordinary Coach development experience.